Who Am I?

Two of many.

Two of many.

These days, I’ve been wondering what to call myself.

The basics, the titles I would never trade, include wife, mother, and daughter.  Those are the easy ones. After that, it gets a little murky.  I’ve had so many different types of jobs in my life I can’t even remember them all.

To put it another way, I need a whole room to store the different hats I’ve worn.

Now, with the kids gone, with the vast number of insignificant jobs I’ve done over the past 25 years while being a stay-at-home-mom not adding up to much of anything…the question has become less of a whisper and more of a scream.  Who am I?  What am I?

It’s easy to say what I’m NOT.

I’m not a farmer – although I sometimes dream of being one, I don’t think a few farm animals and (hopefully) a nice garden this summer qualify me for that job title.  I’m not an adventurer – I prefer being here at Happy Mama Acre more than any other place on earth, thank you very much.  I’m not a professional – meaning I don’t have any aspirations, and probably not enough skills, to have a job in the outside world that defines who I am.

I fear going to a party (not like we’re invited to that many) and have a stranger, a nice person, innocently ask, “So, what do you do?”


I write?   I’m always available when the kids want to talk?  I do the grocery shopping, the cleaning, most of the cooking?  I’m there for our parents?  I keep track of the family finances? I do odd jobs to make a few extra dollars?  I (think) I’m a good friend and our door is always open to friends and family?  I (we) throw great parties? I volunteer?  I spend the vast majority of my time making sure everyone’s got what they need?

Could that sound MORE lame?

I recently listened to a segment on NPR’s Talk of the Nation about taboo words, and a woman called in and said the word “housewife” should be banned from the English language.  I nodded in agreement.  No one wants to be married to a house.

Our house. It's a very, very, very fine house.

Our house. It’s a very, very, very fine house.

On the other hand, I love our house.  I love it when the kids come back and the house fills up again.  I love friends showing up to hang out.  I love the parties in the backyard in the summer. I love seeing people smile when they spot Doink in the barnyard.  I love serving people food and cocktails and making quilts and sharing eggs from the hens.  I love our kitchen – it’s a beauty salon (our monthly haircutting sessions are called Beauty and Booze) a late night disco and the stools at the counter are like a second home to our closest friends. I love watching people sit at our dining room table, talking and laughing for hours.  I love hearing the front door open and Very Excellent Husband Don saying, “Oh man, whatever you’re cooking smells good.”

I danced on this table on my 50th birthday. Yes I did.

I danced on this table on my 50th birthday. Yes I did.

None of those things happen by accident.  VEH Don works hard, travels often and puts in the hours to make all the money in this family.  But I work hard too.  The hours I put in may not bring in a paycheck, but I think it makes our family richer.

So I’m goin’ retro with my job description.   I’m NOT a housewife.  I’m a homemaker.  Home. Maker.   I’m sayin’ it loud and sayin’ it proud.

When you think about it, isn’t making a home one of the best jobs in the world?

This light - it's always on.

This light – it’s always on.

(Shared at the Clever Chicks Blog HopHomestead Barn HopYou’re Gonna Love It Tuesday, Backyard Farming Connection HopDown Home Blog HopHomeAcre HopCountry Homemaker HopFarm Girl Blog FestFarmgirl Friday Blog HopOle’ Saturday Homesteading Trading PostThe Creative HomeAcre Hop and TALU Tuesday!)


  1. I am having that question now that I’m retired…although, I really am not interested in going back to work…but still I am ….a tad lost. Maybe it is winter and I need spring.

    *♥´¨) ¸.-´¸.-♥´¨) ¸.-♥¨) (¸.-´ (¸.-` ♥♥´¨
    Linda recently posted…The Adventures of Fuzzy and Boomer on Friday —It’s Still Winter Here

  2. Joan,
    Doesn’t matter what the title or what the hat is, YOU make this world a better place just by being you. You live life the way it should be lived! Your family is blessed to have you.

    • Awww Amy. You’re so sweet. Right now I’m livin’ life on my couch with a big bag of sweet potato chips watching my backlog of NCIS:LA. Whoo Hoo!

  3. ily

  4. Maddie Davis says:

    I have been a stay at home mom, for 7 years now. My son is 14 and in school, but he has autism and we’ve had days where ‘can you come get him; he’s done for the day, after an hour’ have happened. Now I also take care of my granddaughter while my daughter attends school. My husband, when asked will say that I am his domestic goddess. I kinda like the sound of that title.

  5. Ah, I like homemaker, too. It sounds so cozy and all encompassing. I have had women who frown on me because I stay at home, but I don’t think they realize how much work that is.
    Jamie at Prepared to Eat recently posted…Our Diet: Moderation

  6. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I think the most important thing is to spend time doing all the things you love the most for your life and making your home a wonderful, safe and happy place…there’s no way to put a price on that!
    Nancy@livininthegreen recently posted…Seed Catalogs: Reviewing the Pros and Cons

  7. Hello from one homemaker to another. Great post. I’m visiting via the Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop.
    Kristi recently posted…Friday Family History: The Three-Year-Old in the Kitchen

  8. Well, it’s good to be versatile! I found your post on Farmgirl Friday and I’d love to have you share it on The Creative HomeAcre Hop!
    Lisa Lynn recently posted…The Creative HomeAcre Hop #5

  9. I wish I was a housewife or a stay at home Wife what a gift that you are able to give to others indeed! I love being a keeper of my home but am often too tired to do it the way I think it should be done. I have a blog series title category called Making Your Home A Haven as I think this is so important! I know your family is so proud of you! I want to be a farmer and a homesteader but my favorite title is Mom & Wife I wear it proudly! But we sure do wear an awful lot of hats don’t we? Thank you so much for linking this post up to “The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post” blog hop this week!

  10. Homemakers, unite! 😀

    Thanks for sharing at the Farm Girl Blog Fest #22!

    ~Kristi@Let This Mind Be in You
    Kristi @Let This Mind Be in You recently posted…Farm Girl Blog Fest #22

  11. Thanks for sharing on The HomeAcre Hop!
    Lisa Lynn recently posted…Let’s Party!

  12. Thanks for sharing your talent on The Creative HomeAcre Hop!
    Our next party goes live Sunday morning at:

    If you have a blog hop, please check out The Linky Love Party…a place to share your parties with other bloggers! Grab the button for an easy way to search for parties every week!

  13. Yep! The whole time I was reading I was saying in my head, “There’s nothing wrong with that.” With being a home maker comes some wonderful memories. You can expand on any one of the memories you mentioned in this post. TALU

  14. It’s sounds like you have done a great job! From reading this, I’m concluding that hospitality is one of your gifts. Visiiting from TALU today.
    Michelle Pond recently posted…Tuesday Photo-Yuck

  15. Loud and proud, I’m right there with ya’, girl! There is honor in being a homemaker, and I think you described your job perfectly!
    Thanks for linking this up with the TALU!

  16. Followed you through TALU! I like the idea of a homemaker…making a home/haven, a wondrous place for family and friends. Be proud of the title!
    Jennifer Chow recently posted…How NOT to Crochet

  17. I carry that title proudly. “They” say being a homemaker is like working two full time jobs.
    Loved this post. (talu)
    Debbie McCormick recently posted…Dear Teacher In The Carpool Lane