Archives for February 2013

Snow Day In The Barnyard

We had two snowstorms come through this week. After living in Colorado for thirty years, I've learned to love the storms that blow in and dump a bunch of snow one day then quickly leave so we have brilliant sunshine the next.  That's much better than deep cold or the relentless winds that make everyone and everything miserable. I checked on the animals a lot while the snow was falling.  They … [Read more...]

Egg Sandwich – The Veggie Version

Last week I shared Thomas Keller's Awesome Egg Sandwich with cheese, lettuce, mayo and bacon. Now, Mr. Keller's one of the best chefs in the world. I am but a lowly Chicken Mama. BUT, I know what I like. I don't eat bacon, haven't since I was twenty-one. Since I now look a pig in the eye every morning and receive great pleasure from doing so, the odds that I'm going to start eating bacon … [Read more...]

Who Am I?

These days, I've been wondering what to call myself. The basics, the titles I would never trade, include wife, mother, and daughter.  Those are the easy ones. After that, it gets a little murky.  I've had so many different types of jobs in my life I can't even remember them all. To put it another way, I need a whole room to store the different hats I've worn. Now, with the kids gone, with … [Read more...]

Doink and Brandy – A Kind of Love Story

I went out to the barnyard today to get things ready for the approaching snowstorm.  As usual, when I approached the gate everyone gathered round, making it next to impossible to gain entry. I started my chores and the chickens quickly wandered off in all directions. As is the routine, Brandy followed me around and Doink followed Brandy, within steps of each other.  They almost always … [Read more...]

Mini Frittatas – Just Right For A Party

The ladies have been laying well the past month - I'm regularly getting 8-9 eggs per day.  Since we were having six people over for Sunday supper I thought I'd make something with the eggs for an appetizer. My first idea was to make a frittata and cut it into small squares, but then decided to go buy a mini-muffin pan and make it a little fancier. I went with some of my favorite ingredients - … [Read more...]

Pinless Peepers for Pecking Chickens

To me, one of the most confusing things about being a newbie chicken owner is the vast amount of information, much of it conflicting, available to me on the Internet.  Seems like everyone's got their own opinion on how big the coop MUST be, how to brood the chicks, what kind of feed to use - it goes on and on. I'm not an expert, but after owning chickens for a while and spending vast quantities … [Read more...]

The Field of Baby Calves

When the kids were in elementary and middle school, our view out of the front window of the car on the drive to school looked like this. Yeah,  I know.  Lucky beyond words.  We live in a community surrounded by city and county-owned open space - almost 150,000 acres of land that forms a buffer around the city, helping to establish the city's own separate identity from neighboring … [Read more...]

Thomas Keller’s Awesome Egg Sandwich

Have you ever seen the movie Spanglish? Adam Sandler flick?  The one where he's a chef?  Hello?  Have I lost you already? I don't think it was a huge hit, but it did have one thing going for it - a great scene of food porn, sandwich style. The famous Thomas Keller was the food consultant on Spanglish.  In one scene, Adam Sandler's chef character came home from a long day in the restaurant … [Read more...]