The Pig Is A Comedian

Orange and black.  They go together so well, don't they?

Orange and black. They go together so well, don’t they?

I’ve always loved to laugh. It’s one of my favorite things to do.

I’m not terribly discerning about what makes me laugh.  I’m not above sophomoric humor.  But I really appreciate smart humor.

I should have gotten a pig sooner. Doink makes me giggle every single day.  I don’t know if he intends to be funny, but he is.  Oddly enough, his humor is mostly smart.  He’s funny because he’s all about gettin’ the job done the most efficient way possible. This weekend, I got a couple of short videos that prove this point, I think. Here’s the first one.  You be the judge.

(Lots of good comedians need props.  Thank you Very Excellent Husband Don for providing leaves, lots of leaves, for this joke.)

Where’s Doink? from Joan Hobbs on Vimeo.

Good, right?  Thanks, Doink.  I love my daily giggle!

(Shared at Clever Chicks HopHomesteaders HopHomestead Barn Hop, Backyard Farming ConnectionTuesdays With A TwistDown Hop HopHomeAcre Hop, From The Farm Hop and Farmgirl Friday Hop!)


  1. Okay so I saw your post on FB the other day with the video and had to pop back in here to see it again. I just love it! He is so great and it was super fun to hear your voice. Life in the barnyard is so very good. Have a great day buddy!
    Jen recently posted…Day Thirteen

    • Haha! I wanted to edit my voice out, but I loved the rustling of the leaves, so the voice had to stay! Hope it’s as beautiful today in your neck of the woods as it is here 🙂

  2. He’s adorable. So, I’m thinking of getting a pig. Any advice. What breed is your handsome guy?
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