SWG (Single White Goat) Seeks Same

Oh, Brandy.  Brandy, Brandy, Brandy.  You have been quite the feisty one lately.  You jockey for my attention when I’m in the barnyard, you chase the chickens, and poor Doink gets head-butted all day long.

I think you, little girl,  need a playmate.

Me?  Are you talking about me?  I LOVE it when you talk about me!

Me? Are you talking about me? I LOVE it when you talk about me!

Maybe she’s been asking for a friend for a while.   Maybe I just haven’t been listening.  I knew when Doink and Brandy showed up on my doorstep that a single goat was not the norm.  Goats need another goat to keep them out of trouble.  Kinda like having an AA sponsor.

Hey Mom, can I have a little brother or sister?  Please?  Pretty please?

Hey Mom, can I have a little brother or sister? Please? Pretty please?

But everything was, and actually is, going fine.  The chickens scatter, Doink responds to the head-butts mostly with a “Really?” and Brandy seems happy.  But like I said, she’s just a little more pushy these days.

Psst!  This is a great place to live.  Come live here!

HEY!  Come pay me some attention, lady!

I already had plans to do a little remodel in the goat shed and add a “sleeping loft” for Brandy. Wouldn’t be much trouble to add another one while I’m at it.

So, I’ve started looking for another goat.

Wait, did I hear you right?  You're looking?  YES!

Wait, did I hear you right? You’re looking? YES!

I had no idea it would be so hard to find a new goat.  Oh goat, where art thou?  I want a Saanen or Saanen-mix, not a bottle baby, dis-budded, wether if it’s a boy, from a CAE negative herd, and I need him/her delivered.  That’s not asking too much, is it????

Most every day I head over to Craigslist and check the whole state for possibilities.  There’s been some that are close, but none that have been just right.

I'll just chew on this branch while I wait.

I’ll just chew on this branch while I wait.

While I’ve been typing this, I’ve been watching Brandy in the barnyard.  It’s a warm, but not too hot day.  The chickens are all taking dust baths.  Doink is alternately napping in the shed and whining.  (I have got to teach that pig to tell time. It’s a little early for treats.)  The mama cows and their babies are munching on grass a stone’s throw away.

But Brandy has been exploring every inch of the barnyard.  She’s attentive to everything .  “Oh, look at this stick!  I think I’ll climb up there!  Is that a bird I hear?”  I think she’d love a friend to explore with.

Mmmm.  Tasty!

Oh wait, I’m hungry.  Mmmm. Tasty!

I’ll take my time.  I’ll build the goat lofts. “If you build it, he will come.” (My favorite movie ever.)  There’s a goat out there that will be the perfect addition to the barnyard.

True that.

Be patient, Brandy.  It will happen soon, I promise.

All this waiting is making me slight grumpy.  Oh, wait!  I'm a goat!  I'm never grumpy!

Being patient makes me grumpy.

Oh, wait! I'm a goat! I'm never grumpy!

Oh, wait! I’m a goat! I’m never grumpy!


  1. Brandy is adorably cute, definitely deserves a play mate! 😀
    rachy recently posted…Royal Three Counties Show

  2. Backyard Chicken Lady says:

    I hope you find the perfect goat for brandy, although I honestly think she is happy having you as her playmate.

  3. This post cracked me up! Too funny. I hope you can find a suitable companion for Brandy!
    Tammy/Our Neck of the Woods recently posted…Summer’s First Bouquet

  4. Yay for Brandi, I know you will find the perfect buddy for her. Although I agree I think she’s a happy girl who loves playing with you!
    A View From A Brown Dog recently posted…Sunset in the Vines

  5. This post is adorable! Hope Brandi’s personal ad brings her a buddy soon!
    May recently posted…The Apartment

  6. so cute, I hope she get a playmate soon 🙂
    Jayne recently posted…Just One Thing: Bees

  7. Your posts always just make me smile. You have such a witty way with words. We don ‘t have goats right now, but growing up it seems they did always do better with a playmate. The times we had only one they seemed to get into more mischief. I hope you find just the right one soon. Thanks for sharing!

    Please join us again Thursday at:
    The HomeAcre Hop

    Summers Acres recently posted…He’s My King


  1. […] new, something nice.  Since I needed to take out the roost in the goat shed to make room for the new goat lofts, I thought I’d give the ladies a top-of-the-line nesting box in the coop to thank them for […]