Strange Sightings in the Snow

As I start typing this, it’s -5° at 5:30am.  I can see the glow of the red heat bulb in the coop, and  I hope the new heater I bought for the shed is adequate to keep the temps in there around 10°.

However, I think the cold is getting to us all.  Everyone’s acting a bit strange around here.

Doink, who NEVER walks in the snow, followed me out into the barnyard.  He walked around in the snow for about thirty seconds and then kinda shook his head like, “Whoa!  WHAT AM I DOING?”

Pig in the snow.  A very rare sighting.

Pig in the snow. A very rare sighting.

Ah, back home where I belong!

Pig headed for a nap.  Now that’s more like it!

The chickens leave the warmth of their coop every morning, pushing and shoving each other trying to get through the pop door first… to do this.

Yes, we know the coop and the shed are warmer, but we'd like to stand here.  All day.

Yes, we know the coop and the shed are warmer, but we’d like to stand here. All day. You got a problem with that?

As I shovel out the path in the barnyard, Jessie tries all kinds of ways to make the job just a bit harder.

If you could just stand in the snow for a while, I'd like to nibble the shovel.

If you’d stand in the snow for a while, I’d like to nibble the shovel.

I always say Keela hates the snow.  I’m pretty sure it’s mostly because I hate taking her on walks when it’s below freezing.  So I threw the ball for her until my arm gave out and she had a sweet snow mustache.

Got snow?

Got snow?

Then she rummaged around under a bush, dug up one of her many hidden bones, and proceeded to re-bury it right next to the sidewalk.

Ah ha!  If I put it right here, it will be safe!

Ah ha! If I put it right here, it will be safe!

Jessie has been on high alert for some reason.  He’s often in what I think of as his “standing guard” position, scanning the fence line for who knows what.

Here I come to save the day!

Here I come to save the day!

But, as usual, the strangest behavior always comes from the humans.

Who raised this child?

Who raised this child?  Oh, that right…we did!

Any strange sightings in your neck of the wood?

(Shared at Homestead Barn HopBackyard Farming Connection HopTuesdays With A TwistMaple Hill HopDown Home HopHomeAcre Hop, Simple Lives ThursdayFrugal Days Sustainable Ways and From the Farm Hop!)


  1. Oh wow that is cold! My son is know to sport shorts in freezing weather too… Ah youth, bonkers or maybe super powers? haha. I won’t complain at our 22 degree mornings… nope, I’m lucky we’re in the positive numbers here. Be safe friend.
    Jen recently posted…New Year New Day…

    • We are so much warmer than the Midwest! Today, we unthawed long enough for me to muck out the goat shed. Sometimes freezing is not such a bad thing 🙂

  2. Looks like everyone is enjoying the cold…but I hope the cold won’t linger too long… before everyone get fed up…Keep warm:)
    Annie recently posted…Cyling Around the Village

  3. Brrrr. My poultry don’t like to be out in the they stay in the covered sunroom pen. My that looks cold there.

    Linda recently posted…The Trees in Winter January 6, 2014

  4. Haha! This is too funny. I’m convinced that temperatures that cold can make any human or animal go crazy. Today the temperature here in southeast Missouri is hovering between zero and 3 degrees. We never get this cold, so I’m pretty grumpy today! Sending warm thoughts your way 🙂
    Tammy/Our Neck of the Woods recently posted…Feathered Friend Friday: Dreaming Of Summer

  5. Love all the pics, as usual. And OMG, as for that last one, that is sooooooooo one of my nephews! My sister would have to HIDE his shorts in winter so he wouldn’t wear them in the snow … or to school for that matter.
    Chris at Hye Thyme Cafe recently posted…A Look Back at What Caught Your Attention in 2013

    • It’s the shoes that get me. If he’s gonna wear shorts, he should at least wear snowboots! He too wears shorts year round. The funny thing is, his brother almost always wears jeans!

  6. Wow, I’ve never seen a guard goat before! Your post made me smile, thinking of those silly chickens just waiting for the snow to melt-instantly!
    Thanks for joining the Maple Hill Hop today!
    Now, go make some cocoa.
    daisy recently posted…The Maple Hill Hop 12

  7. Love seeing what goes on in your yard including the shoveling in shorts! Our chickens also like to be outside but don’t like the snow! Thanks so much for sharing on the HomeAcre Hop! Hope to see you again tomorrow.
    Nancy – The HomeAcre Hop
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