Rain, Rain, Go Away

Keep calm and carry on.

Doink says keep calm and carry on.

Oh, the rain.  The drenching rain for the past three days.  Last night it turned very serious – national news kind of serious.  We’ve got major flooding. My thoughts go out to everyone in harm’s way.


Here at Happy Mama Acre, we now have lakefront property.  Nothing horrible.  Nothing life changing. Nonetheless, we’ve got a LOT of water flowing through the barnyard.


The new Lake Hobbs.

The new mini-Lake Hobbs.

The chickens continue to strut their stuff.  I like that attitude.  Maybe it’s because they don’t look in the mirror much? A drenched chicken is not a handsome chicken.

Cindy Lou is the most adventurous (dumb?) hen.  She's out in the driving rain all the time.

Cindy Lou is not going to be invited to Fashion Week anytime soon.

On the flip side, the goats are miserable.  Jessie has been crying to me as soon as he hears the back door open.  Brandy has been extra cranky, to the point of trying to keep Jessie out of the shed at times.  There is a covered outside area, but Jessie of course would rather be inside. Apparently goats, at least my goats, are no fans of rain.

I’ve been slowly converting the upper part of the shed that I use for storage into two separate areas, a storage area and an additional area for the animals.  I finished the divider wall a couple of weekends ago, but needed a gate and an opening in the exterior wall to finish it.

So early today, in the driving rain Keela and I went to Home Depot. Keela LOVES Home Depot.

It was a little early for Keela.

Maybe it was a little early for Keela.

Then we came home and got down to business.  It’s my third gate, so my swearing was almost unnoticeable (ha).  My sawzall work to make the opening is bad, but the animals didn’t seem to care.  They can get through. (Except for Brandy and Doink.  They’re not members of the club.) I’ll make it look sweet later.

Hello Jessie!  How'd you like your new room?

Jessie seemed tentative at first, but then was like, “Awesome, my own room!”

In the midst of all the fear and uncomfortableness Doink has been doing what he does best.  He makes a nest and hunkers down in his straw and towel-blankets, sleeps a lot, and perks right up when he hears food coming.  He makes me smile. This video was taken yesterday at dinnertime.  That would be just like today, less about 5″ of rain.

Doink’s Dinner In the Rain from Joan Hobbs on Vimeo.

Doink-man.  Sleeps a lot.  Comes out in his bathrobe.  Lives with 16 women and a teenage boy. Yeah, he’s the pig version of Hugh Hefner.  Rock on, Mr. D.

Shared at Clever Chick HopHomestead Barn Hop, Backyard Farming Connection Hop, Tuesdays With A Twist, Down Home Blog Hop, From the Farm Hop, HomeAcre Hop and Farmgirl Friday Hop!)


  1. You go girl! Doesn’t it feel so good to bust out moves on our own with power tools, I love it! I bet Jessie does too. How great that he has his own area. Doink makes me wanna rescue a pig too…. Would love to have some of your rain, just some though, yikes. Prayers for those who are in harms way.

    Have a great day and stay safe buddy!
    Jen recently posted…We’ve Got Happy Girls… Again

  2. I’ve been thinking about you hoping everything was ok after I heard the news about the flooding. Scary stuff! Love that video with Doink. He is so cute and I love how he hangs out with the chickens. Makes me want a Doink of my own 🙂
    Tammy/Our Neck of the Woods recently posted…Homemade Living: Black Cherry Tomatoes

  3. Fantastic! Now little Jesse has his own clubhouse. hopefully, some of the chickens will join him there. Stay safe!

  4. Saw more horrible photos of the flooding on news and it was said Boulder was most affected…just realized that’s where you are?…hope rain had gone away by now…
    Annie recently posted…Stagnant Day

  5. Hi Joan, Saw more pics of the flooding today and holy smokes…. Thinking of you and praying for everyone affected.
    Jen recently posted…Update Post

  6. Your blog is wonderful!!!! I’m so glad I found the blog hop and your blog in particular. The animals are a riot and your writing is so fun to read. I look forward to coming back often as I’m in my first month of being a small-time farm girl.
    Shannon recently posted…Getting my farm-girl on.