Partners in Crime

Keela is a skilled napper.

Keela is a skilled napper.

Here at Happy Mama Acre, we are tired.  We need a nap.

Lots of great things going on, but it’s all happening at the same time and I’m having a hard time keeping up.

I’m working a big job (Competitions Director for the Denver County Fair) that will definitely be the focus of my life for the next month.  Posts may drop off, but I swear I’ll be back and ready to share in mid-August!


The barnyard animals are busy too, so I can’t complain.  Brandy is trying REALLY HARD to be nice to sweet Jessie.  I can see it in her eyes.  Dinnertime is the hardest.  I head into the barnyard with two dog bowls of goat chow, a portion of pig chow in a cup, and a cup of scratch.  It’s quite the balancing act. Brandy can’t help but give Jessie a head butt in the small confines of the “hallway” into the barnyard. Afterward, she looks up at me and I SWEAR she’s saying, “Oops, I forgot, SORRY!”

Doh! I'll try and remember NEXT time!

Doh! I’ll try and remember NEXT time!

Loretta Lynn and Patsy Cline are not chicks anymore.  They’re close to passing the “fence test”, meaning they’re too big to squeeze through the holes and can move into the barnyard. I’ve been closing off the run in the daytime and putting them there as a transition from their sorority house.  Today I opened the pop door into the coop…and they wouldn’t go through it. Baby steps.  (If you’ve never seen the movie What About Bob, you should.  It’s on my top ten list.  Gives a whole new meaning to “baby steps”.)

No, really.  We'll stay here in the run for a while longer if you don't mind.

No, really. We’ll stay here in the run for a while longer if you don’t mind.

And now, the law breakers.  I’ve got squatters in the nesting boxes.  Rapunzel and Belle, two of the three princess Black Copper Marans, have gone broody and are a couple of seriously cranky, puffy, rule-breaking hens. The third princess, Jasmine, THOUGHT she might want to go broody but after a day in jail she changed her mind.

Yes, jail.  They’ve been sentenced to the big house until they change their ways.  They’ve gone to the Henitentiary.

The Henitentiary.

Maximum Security.

Aretha went there last month when she was broody.  Two days in solitary changed her mind. But Rapunzel and Belle are hardened criminals.  It’s gonna take a while with these two.  When they’re in the barnyard, they’re plotting their strategies.

When she's filling up the water bowls, let's head back to the coop, o.k.?

When she’s filling up the water bowls, let’s head back to the coop, o.k.?

So now they sit in the Henitentiary all day.  Pissed off.



When dark sets in and the other ladies have all gone to roost, I put them in the coop for safety.  I put them DIRECTLY on the roost.  Before I go to bed, I check on them.  Yep, ten chickens on the roost, Sofia’s in the goat shed snuggling with Doink, and Rapunzel and Belle are back in the nesting boxes.

Double the pleasure, double the fun!

Aaack!  Foiled again!

And so it goes.  Day after busy day.  And now adding chicken police officer and goat psychologist to my many job titles.  Best. Life. Ever.

Pay no attention to us.  Please.  Go deal with the goats, ok?

Pay no attention to us. Please. We’re not doing anything.  Go deal with the goats, ok?

(Shared at Clever Chicks Blog Hop, Homestead Barn Hop, Backyard Farming Connection Hop and Tuesdays With A Twist, Link Love Thursday, HomeAcre Hop, Frugal Days Sustainable WaysDown Home Blog Hop, From the Farm, Farmgirl Friday and Little House Friday!)


  1. Hi Joan,
    Look forward to more laughs after the Denver County Fair!

  2. Hoping your big assignment goes smoothly for you. When these hens go broody it’s something else ain’t it? I swear it’s not easy putting them in jail but I know it’s for their own good and it does work out… eventually, right? sheesh! My Goldie girl is a seriously harden criminal and it took forever… she is still not laying yet but happily eating, drinking and running around again. Although back in the box at night.

    Have a great day!
    Jen recently posted…45

  3. You really do have a lot going on lately! Good luck with your job and all the animal goings on 🙂 I love the term henitentiary! I may just have to use that myself haha 🙂
    Tammy/Our Neck of the Woods recently posted…Introducing Emma

  4. Thanks for making me laugh today – henitentiary – hahahaha! I love your writing!
    Vickie recently posted…The Outhouse – Fixtures!

  5. Thanks for stopping by – there’s always something to laugh at in the barnyard!
    Joan Hobbs recently posted…Partners in Crime

  6. Funny! I love the Henitentiary!
    Kathy recently posted…Rooting Around and Starting Over

  7. We definitely need a henetentiary! (too funny) Violet and Dahlia are all broody and cranky. ‘Silly things! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    Thank you for linking to Tuesday with a Twist!
    Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures recently posted…BlogLovin’ FINALLY… And a Garden Party Invitation