Keela 3, Squirrels 0

Earlier today, just after my healthy yogurt breakfast, I looked out the window and saw Keela with an obviously very fresh dead squirrel in her mouth. She was slinking around the yard trying to find a place to bury it.  She looked at me, gave me the stink eye (Don’t come near my squirrel, lady!) and tried to become invisible.

I was impressed.  The squirrels around here are very fast and highly obnoxious.  You go, girl!

I continued to watch her as she buried it under the chicken coop about a foot away from the gate.  Now, I was less impressed.  I knew that if any animal came close to the gate,  she would go nuts trying to protect her precious squirrel.  I called her in, and was again impressed because she actually obeyed my request.  Then, I put off dealing with that gross squirrel.  It was not at the top of my to-do list.

A few hours later, I gathered my plastic grocery bags (I always double bag the squirrels) and headed outside.

There's a squirrel just to the right of the pot. She's really good a burying stuff.

There’s a squirrel just to the right of the pot. She’s really good at burying stuff.

Squirrel in trash and task complete, I let Keela out.  She gave me a look and headed to the back fence.  A few minutes later I saw her standing over something.  I walked out, she looked up and again I got the stink eye.  It didn’t take me long to realize she had apparently dug up a “backup squirrel”, one she had must have gotten a while ago.

Brought her back inside (she was less willing to come at my request this time) and I dealt with squirrel #2.  So glad this was all over!  Now I could get back to the clothes washing and the house cleaning and all those other fun Sunday activities.

The afternoon slid by and it was time to check on the barnyard.  I opened the back door and Keela shot out like her butt was on fire and made a bee line to the back fence.

Yes, you know…you KNOW!  Where the hell did THIS ONE come from?  And how long had it been stashed?  WHY DOES SHE DO THIS TO ME?  After much ado, the squirrel #3 was also dispatched.  Now we have a trash can full of dead squirrels.

And a dog who seems to be totally aware of all the trouble she caused today.

And a dog who seems to be totally aware of all the trouble she caused today.

Hey Keela, can we be done with this circle of life thing for now?  Please?

(Shared at Clever Chicks HopHomestead Barn Hop, Backyard Farming Connection, Maple Hill HopTuesdays With A TwistDown Home Hop, Simple Lives ThursdayHomeAcre Hop, Frugal Days Sustainable WaysFrom The Farm Hop and Farmgirl Friday Hop!)


  1. Chicken Mama,
    That’s one fine dog you got there. I could use a dog like that. Any chance she’s intrested in paying a visit to The Great White North? Accomodations & meals will be provided as well as some stunning views of some picturesque snow banks. Oh…..I almost forgot, I’ll also throw in some back bacon as well!
    City Boy recently posted…Why That Darn Hen Won’t Use The Nest Box!

  2. She is one fine dog indeed! As much as she’d LOVE some back bacon (veggie household here) I’d be lost without her. No hall pass to the Great White North for her!

  3. AWWW… a girl after my own heart! MINE TOO!!

    WE LOVE Chasing squirrels, although, we have never really caught one!

    Fuzzy and Boomer
    Linda recently posted…A Home on the Ditch — January 13, 2014

  4. Good girl Keela get rid of those nasty squirrels for your mama. I love her hunting abilities! So good but I’m with you, having to dispose of the left overs… Yuck! Love the picture of her too, that expression is priceless. I think you’re right she definitely knows what’s up haha.
    Jen recently posted…And So It Continues…

    • I told her about Duke and the gopher tunnels – she’s very jealous! And yes, she TOTALLY knew my displeasure with all that squirrel disposal. The stink eye goes both ways!

  5. I would be ecstatic if Friedl buried squirrels instead of bringing them inside and laying them on my bed.
    Nancy recently posted…Julia Child’s Deconstructed Turkey is Just The Right Thing!

    • Nancy, I’ll be glad to come over and talk with Friedl. Keela brought one inside…just once. We then had a meeting of the minds and it was decided that the squirrels would definitely stay outside 😉

  6. Sylvester017 says:

    Now that’s funny! If Keela were mine I’d praise the heck out of her no matter how many carcasses I had to bury! Any chance she’s good at chasing off wild birds and hawks especially when the chickens are free-ranging?

    • She has actually caught a bird in mid-air! And yes, she is very aware of anything in the trees. I thought she was going to have a heart attack when a big owl was hooting at the top of one of our trees. The owl quickly moved on 🙂

      • Sylvester017 says:

        She’s my kind of girl! Had a couple boys that were good at catching those pesky wild birds! Sad in a way but sadder for the chickens if they were caught and mercilessly shredded by the predators! Used to have a White Leghorn and currently have an APA Ameraucana that chases Mourning Doves and stray Cats out of the yard. Haven’t had Cat droppings left in the garden since they started chasing those pesky strays! Never knew hens could be that bold!

  7. Just doin’ what comes naturally, I guess!
    Thanks for joining The Maple Hill Hop today!
    daisy recently posted…Maple Hill Hop 13

  8. What a great dog!
    Lauren Ann recently posted…Clouds

  9. … just doin’ what nature is telling her to do. Poor girl — I bet she thought she would get an award for 3 squirrels in one day. 🙂

    PS — thank you son for the advice on the chambray shirts. I had no idea!
    Nancy @ A Rural Journal recently posted…Take 2.

  10. What an excellent dog! I would ask to borrow her but… Maybe she could run a class or post instructional videos on How To Kill Squirrels?
    We live in the city and the squirrels here are just INSANE. At least my Golden has stopped running *away* from the squirrels… but I think we are a loooong away from her catching and killing one!
    Thanks for the giggle with my morning coffee! 🙂
    ~ Christine
    Christine @ Once Upon a Time in a Bed of Wildflowers recently posted…My Week on Wednesday… January 15

  11. Way to go Keela, three squirrels in a day is amazing! What a dog and what an expressive little face!
    Carol Caldwell recently posted…Jackie’s first afternoon of integrating her girls

  12. I keep waiting for the day that Dexter brings me a squirrel. Go, Keela!
    Patti recently posted…What I’ll Tell Sweet E: Sometimes You Pick Your Family

  13. Go Dexter! You can do it!

  14. She looks a little bit miffed with you in that photo! Fun story to read 🙂 Thanks for sharing on The HomeAcre Hop! Hope to see you tomorrow. 🙂
    lisa lynn recently posted…Survival Summit!


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