Just Out Of Reach

Ah, hello again.  I’ve been way too busy in a not fun kind of way.  There’s not enough time to sit down and write, and precious few minutes in the barnyard with my camera to capture a story or two.  There’s nothing wrong at all.  But the lack of time has me frustrated.  My personal goals—writing more, getting better with my photography, and especially really working on getting an Etsy store going, always seem out of reach.  Ah, what I wouldn’t give for a few more hours in each day!

A brief update on Jasmine and…her one little chick.  The other eggs did not hatch, and two days after the baby was born she rolled the eggs to the side of the nesting box and stopped sitting on them.  The Little One is an only child.  She looks just like her mom, which makes it virtually impossible to get a good photo of her.  Lots of black feathers everywhere. 🙂

Jasmine has not brought The Little One (so named until I get to know her better) out into the barnyard.  Mama hopped out for a minute a few days ago and was practically attacked by the others.  I’m thinking I will create a small separate space, like a chicken tractor, for their safety.  A job I MUST make time to do.  More on that next week.

Thankfully we have had one or two evenings when we were able to sit and relax, watch the animals, enjoy our cocktails and snap a few photos.  A couple of years ago Very Excellent Husband Don planted a nice tree close to the barnyard fence.  I’ve put up a few pics on my Facebook Page of Jessie going after the low hanging leaves. He’s very good at it.





Got it!

Got it!

And now, I'm just showing off.  Look at my long, lovely neck!

And now, I’m just showing off. Look at my long, lovely neck!

And then, there’s Brandy.  The cutest goat in the world.  With a serious length-of-leg deficit. We had never seen her try to go after these leaves.  It was like watching me try to put a dish on a shelf way too high for my reach.

It looked easy when Jessie did it...

It looked easy when Jessie did it…

Whoa.  I'm not even close? Really?

Whoa. I’m not even close? Really?

Why didn't anyone tell me I'm short???

Why didn’t anyone tell me I’m short??? This is so embarrassing!

Grasping for things that are just out of reach.  We all do that from time to time, right? We might not get immediate gratification, but often get what we need in a different way.  For Brandy, that means I saw her effort.  She got a extra treat when no one was looking.  For me, even though the things I want to be doing seem out of reach, I know my time will come. I’ll get that treat at some point!

**Shared at Simple SaturdaysFrom the FarmOur Simple Homestead HopHomestead Hop and (mis)Adventures Monday**


  1. I wish each day was twice as long too! Besides not enough time I seem to have the problem with distraction when doing anything so I’m jumping from one thing to another and nothing seems to get done. When I do sit for a few minutes, I see a couple weeds a few feet from me and have to go pull them!

  2. Ah yes, seems we never have enough time for it all. Glad you are taking some time to enjoy your critters. Enjoy your weekend.
    daisy recently posted…Seed to Table Series-Sweet Potatoes

  3. I feel the same way Joan. When I do not blog, I miss it but there is always so much to do. I keep thinking things will slow down!
    I enjoy reading your stories!

  4. Love love your posts.. Selfishly.. I wish there were more often!

    Beautiful life you have!

  5. ha ha, he’s so determined!!
    Thanks for sharing on the Homestead Blog Hop. Hope to see you again tomorrow 🙂
    Kelly recently posted…Herbal Face Wash – A Natural Facial Cleanser

  6. they certainly are cute little goats.