Grumpy Pig Alert!

Do I look happy?  LOOK AT ME!

Do I look happy? LOOK AT ME!

I sit here watching the snow fly…AGAIN.  There’s a fierce wind blowing it sideways.  Deep. Heavy. Sigh.

Yes, the farmers need the moisture. I’m all for the farmers getting their precipitation.  But why oh why does it have to be in the form of snow on April 22nd??? (I am such a whiner.)

When the flakes began falling, I started writing this long boring post about how weather became really important now that the chickens and Doink and Brandy have come to live here at Happy Mama Acre.

Blah, blah, blah.  I should get over myself.  Because I’m human, and I can.  It’s snow.  Big deal.

Doink?  Not so much.  The snow affects him on a deeply emotional level.

No, really?  You got me out of bed for a dog biscuit?

No, really? You got me out of bed for a dog biscuit?

I am such a hater right now.

I should be on a beach somewhere right now.  Go away!

These chickens just don't understand.  It's COLD and SNOWING.

These chickens just don’t understand. It’s COLD and SNOWING.

I hate all of you.

I. Do. Not. Need. This.

No really.  I do.

No really. I don’t.

Wake me when it's green and sunny and warm, ok?

Wake me when it’s green and sunny and warm, ok?  I’m taking my towel and going back to bed.  Night night.

Hey, I want a new roommate.  This dude is a total grumpus!

Hey, I want a new roommate. This dude is a total grumpus!

Some things you just can’t make up.  This is one of them.  🙂

(Shared at the Clever Chicks Blog HopHomestead Barn HopBackyard Farming Connection HopDown Home Blog Hop, The HomeAcre HopFarmgirl Friday Blog HopFarm Girl Friday Blog Fest and TALU Tuesday!)


  1. michelle says:

    Thank you so much. You will never know how much I need that laugh today.

    • That’s so funny. I needed a laugh too. If only I could have recorded the squeal he was making… 🙂 He’s a good communicator, that pig!

  2. Love it! Love your good sense of humour:) That’s what makes life interesting:)
    Annie recently posted…In The Spring Garden

  3. Good Morning! As always I am smiling reading your posts. Poor Doink, love your humor you make me laugh out loud. Love the photos…Sending warm wishes your way.
    A View From A Brown Dog recently posted…This weekend we…

  4. Last 10 years for Boulder:
    Average last snow is April 26 (May 14 is latest).
    Average last freeze is May 5 (June 8 is latest).
    We’re almost there! Break out the sunscreen…….

  5. I burst out laughing at the photo of Brandy!
    Nancy recently posted…You’ll Love Retro Pets Cards!

  6. This post is so cute right down to the goat sticking its head out the door. I am sorry for your snow. We had our AC on over the weekend but it has cooled back off. Total opposites.

  7. I was reading this thinking how like our Coco the CuKoo Chihuahua Doink is, but then I totally cracked up when I saw the last shot with Brandy popping out. 🙂
    Chris at Hye Thyme Cafe recently posted…Thai Chicken Pizza

  8. I’m cracking up at the sight of Doink trudging back to his PigCave like Pigpen with his blankey. LOL!!

    Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick
    Kathy Shea Mormino, The Chicken Chick recently posted…Egg Float Test- Indicates Approximate Age, NOT Egg Safety

  9. Cute! Thanks for sharing on the HomeAcre hop and please join us again this week:
    Carol J. Alexander recently posted…How to Save Money in the Garden

  10. Poor Doink 🙂 Hope it warms up for him soon! Thanks for sharing on The HomeAcre Hop! We have a new co-host!
    Lisa Lynn recently posted…The HomeAcre Hop #17 and Exciting News!

  11. Rachel Schichtl says:

    Who can not smile at a grumpy pig? So cute #TALU 😉

  12. lol – what a funny photo story. I love the last two showing the disappearing blanket and then the goat popping out. Thanks for sharing this on TALU today!!
    Debbie McCormick recently posted…TALU: Tuesday Archive Link Up