Breakfast Avocado Love

I haven’t posted a recipe in a while.  I believe the honor system when sharing a recipe requires altering it dramatically enough to make it your own, and I’m not that creative of a cook.  I mostly follow recipes I find to a T.  So the dishes I cook are not “inspired by” nor “based on” nor “adapted from”.  They’re straight from Sunset Magazine or Cooks Illustrated or Food Network or my stash of cookbooks or Homesick Texan (my favorite food blog).  All those resources know how to concoct a recipe much better than I do.

I would not make a good food blogger.

However, I do cook most every day.  We haven’t starved to death yet, so I must be doing something right.  

At the break of day, after Very Excellent Husband Don leaves for work, the barnyard animals and Keela have gotten their morning munchies, and I’ve had a couple of espressos, I’m often a bit hungry.  Who isn’t?  This little gem featuring a perfectly ripe avocado is frequently the thing I’m craving.  Protein, healthy fat and good carbs.  Breakfast of champions, yes?  Let me share…

Take a slice of whole wheat bread.  Toast it to your liking.

Now that's a photo of a piece of bread!

Now that’s a photo of a piece of bread!

Scoop out half an avocado.  I do the “cross hatch with a knife” technique and then take a big spoon and scoop the whole thing at once.

Getting better...

Getting better…

Smush it on the bread.  Top lightly with salt, pepper and olive oil.

Now we're talkin!

Now we’re talkin!

Fry an egg, preferably from one from your own wonderful hens.  Slide egg onto avocado-ed bread.  Top with a bit more salt, pepper, olive oil and if you really want to start your day right, a bit of balsamic vinegar.

Ohhhhh yeah!

Ohhhhh yeah!

Cut into sixteen pieces.  Eat twelve of those pieces, sopping up all the runny yolk you can.

I get hungry just looking at it!

I get hungry just looking at it!

Feed dog remaining bits.  You’ll be a bit thinner and she’ll be a lot happier.  Win, win.

Keela is alway gets a gold star for her clean plates!

Keela alway gets a gold star for her clean plates!

Happy breakfast 🙂

(Shared at HomeAcre HopFrugal Days Sustainable Ways104 Homestead HopInspired WeekendsFarmgirl FridaySimple SaturdaysHeritage Homesteaders HopClever Chicks HopHomestead Barn Hop, Backyard Farming Connection,  Tuesdays With A TwistMaple Hill Hop and Down Home Hop!)


  1. Two of my favorite things! I will be giving this a try tomorrow morn 🙂
    Jen recently posted…These Boots…

  2. Yummy! I love avocado and the combo of egg and avocado sounds really good. I like how you cut the toast up into small pieces!
    Tammy/Our Neck of the Woods recently posted…Chickpea Curry

  3. Monica Tannian says:

    Your enthusiasm ‘for’ and descriptions of your animals, of wonderful husband Don matched with your disarming ‘can-do’ but I’m NO expert attitude ROCKS and is inspiring. Thanks for your photos..even of toasted bread.

  4. HEY, you are my kind of cook. KISS and eat. But I have actually feed my chickens their own eggs scrambled or hard boiled along with our leftover pancakes. Try that on Keela. What a good girl …. The other day my head girl dropped an egg before she could get to her favorite nest box that was already being used so I took the cracked egg, washed it and fried it for lunch. Yummmmmy ! No dogs here….only chickens.

    • The chickens get the egg shells. When you have a pig like I do, that big guy gets most of the other kitchen scraps. Keela gets the special ones!

  5. Oooooh my tummy is rumbling …. I love avocados but we can’t get them this time of year in Italy. So I will file this recipe away and get it out again when the time comes. It sounds delicious. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  6. What a great breakfast combination! I might try this with taco seasoning, Mexican addict that I am…
    Julia recently posted…Cherry Coconut Cream Sodas

  7. Keela must love that you share. My son would love it if he could share the crust pieces ( he always picks them off) with our dog but she has allergies.
    Teri recently posted…Lineback Cows

  8. I know what I’m having for breakfast tomorrow! That looks so delish, I can’t wait to try it. I adore avocado *and* runny yolks!
    Jen recently posted…Chicken First Aid Kit

  9. That’s sounds fab and I am a firm believer of sharing with your pup. Thanks for sharing today on The 104 Homestead Blog Hop!

  10. Oh for a good avocado….I think I would add a little garlic salt…
    Nell recently posted…Light to My Path