Birdie In The Nest, Kitchen Style

Today at The Chicken Mama, I’m starting a new series “Eggcellent Sunday Recipes”. I hope to feature a new egg-based recipe every week.  On Sunday.

I give myself a month, tops, before something comes up and all of a sudden it’s Wednesday and I’m all, “Hmm, did I forget something?”

Sometimes the recipe may be complex and intricate.  But I’m startin’ out easy.

You know Birdie In The Nest, don’t ya?  You probably made/make it for the kids on Saturday morning.  In our house, Very Excellent Husband Don was the BITN maker.

Recently, I’ve been making one for myself most mornings (thank you, hens for all those yummy eggs.)   And it is one good way to start the day.


Bread with a hole, egg, butter. Easy peasy.


Melt butter in skillet. Rub bread in it. Break egg into hole. Salt and pepper liberally. Again, easy peasy.


Flip. Both pieces.

Put on plate.  Kinda gut the egg, putting the top of the soft bits onto the negative space toast piece.

Put on plate. Kinda gut the egg, putting the top of the soft bits onto the negative space toast piece.

Eat.  Preferably while reading a real newspaper that contains real news.  I drink my espresso first, so the flavor of the BITN stays with me for a while.  Then I head out and say thanks to the ladies for the awesome breakfast.  Then I get to work.

Yeah, I’m that lucky.

(Sharing at the Clever Chicks Blog HopKathe With An EBackyard Farming Connection HopDown Home Blog HopThe HomeAcre HopFarm Girl Friday and Thrifty Thursday!)


  1. Salt & Pepper?

  2. Yummy! I haven’t had one of these in a while, but now I’m craving it!
    Tammy/Our Neck of the Woods recently posted…Pioneer Women

    • It is funny how sometimes the easiest solution to a meal slips my mind – and there’s not much easier than an egg and a good slice of bread!

  3. Fun breakfast 🙂 Thanks for sharing this on The HomeAcre Hop! Hope to see you back on Thursday 🙂
    Lisa Lynn recently posted…Feels a Little Like Spring

  4. This is the reason I needed your archives! Thank you!