Mostly Human

Here's where the voices inside my head get to say what's on their minds!

Doink And The Epic Fail

I know you've had a day when things weren't going right.  We've all been there.   Well, today was special in a WHAT MORE COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG kinda way. I had one goal for the day.  Finish painting the new shed.  I've not shared the building of this shed with you, because I wanted it to be all spiffy and cute before I showed it to ya.  A little Chicken Mama surprise. Painting around … [Read more...]

It Was A Party Weekend!

We had a wonderful dinner party for family and friends on Sunday.  It was our first party of the year and as such it required much work, both inside and out, to pull off.  Very Excellent Husband Don and I worked our butts off for three days and the dishes still aren't all put away, but the fun totally outweighed the work involved. Starting on Friday we moved furniture around, got the carpets … [Read more...]

The Nightmare Continues

As you know, a raccoon took my sweet Ethel in the dawn recently.  I say raccoon, because the manner of death and remains indicated a textbook raccoon killing.  I didn't see it, but Keela sounded her ALERT bark around 6:30am.  I assumed it was rabbits and didn't investigate.  Lesson learned, lesson learned. I know raccoons are around.  Keela treed one in the late fall.  Lordy, what a racket they … [Read more...]

Last Snow? Please?

We got a big 7" dump of heavy, wet snow earlier this week.  If there's one good thing about spring, at least the snow doesn't hang around for long.  I believe this was the last snow of the season. As usual, every year when I say it's the last snow in early April, Very Excellent Husband Don tells me no way.  I'm happier with my own self-delusions, however, so the last snow it is! I shoveled … [Read more...]

Something’s Different

Yep.  Something's different.  Everyone noticed. Well, almost everyone. I got tired of waiting for spring.  So I took action.  Wanna know what I did? Here's a hint. Here's another one. It took me two years to grow that hair.  And except for a couple of days when I experimented with a headband (fail) I wore it in a ponytail all day, every day.  I wanted it … [Read more...]

Found Farm Treasures

I thought I'd give everyone a break from me whining about the weather and focus on another subject... Let's talk about farms.  Real farms. Oh, to live on a farm!  If I was residing in the merry old land of Oz, Very Excellent Husband Don and I would spend a year looking for just the right small (five acre) farm, find it, be able to afford it, buy it, add many more interesting animals to the … [Read more...]

Be Careful What You Wish For

Unlike those of you on the east coast, our snow here in the foothills of Colorado has melted.  Our three feet of white stuff is gone.   The barnyard is all dormant grass, and not even mucky anymore. Why?  Because we have WIND. We've had it on and off for five days.  It sounds like a freight train out there, with gusts of over 60mph, especially  in the night and early mornings.  During … [Read more...]

Birthday Reflections

Yep.  It's true.  I've added another year to my belt.  I turned 53 last Saturday (a prime number birthday!) and it has been a crazy party week. The celebration I planned at my favorite restaurant doubled in size at the last minute.  I love my friends.  So what if the ten of us drained the restaurant of all their margaritas and dirty queso?  We made it up to the staff by sharing the best … [Read more...]