Doink and The Goats

Doink the pig and Brandy the goat were raised together from birth and came to Happy Mama Acre in 2012. We're pretty sure they don't know they're not the same species. Doink is our resident curmudgeon/comedian. For this we are eternally grateful. We affectionately refer to them as "the poats".

Jessie arrived at the barnyard a year later. I thought Brandy would appreciate a playmate. I was wrong. A year later, I got Sammy and Kenny. Because you can never have enough goats!

Sambuca the Rasta Goat

We're plugging away around here. In a good way.  There's so much to do in spring—my garden beds were yelling at me to come plant something RIGHT NOW!  So I planted.  Now those tiny seeds are covered with a wet, wet spring snow.  They should be popping out when the sun starts shining next week, right? Or not.  I'm a horrible gardener, but I'm trying :-) I'm also crazy busy with my ongoing … [Read more...]

Doink Tells A Chicken Joke

Ah, we are so, so grateful to see more sunny skies and warm temps around here!  We've still got snow on the ground, but our spirits continue to move upward. Out in the barnyard yesterday it felt like a happy hour of sorts.  The four-legged animals were shaking off their winter stoicism and warming up to each other's company again. Doink told a joke. It went right over Jessie's … [Read more...]

It’s Funny Photo Day

Around here, there's a very deep blanket of snow on the ground and more is forecast for the NEXT FIVE DAYS.  Of course, it is February in Colorado, so what should I expect? Actually, we usually get a big dump of snow followed by days of beautiful sunshine.  So I guess that's what I expect.  I'm trying not to be cranky, but I AM CRANKY and not very pleasant to be around. To lighten my mood, I … [Read more...]

Doink Is Not A Morning Pig

Oh, mornings.  They're not easy.  I slog out of bed, have two espressos, a cup of hot tea and check my e-mail from the comfort of the couch.  Once the sun is up, I head out to feed the animals.  By this time I've been up for a while.  I've shaken the cobwebs out of my brain. Mornings for Doink are another matter.  His stomach wakes up the second he hears the back door open.  His brain, however, … [Read more...]

Doink Has A Boo Boo

If you follow me on Facebook, (You do, don't you?  Please?) you'll know Mr. Doinkers somehow injured himself. He got a booboo.  An owie.  And I can tell you, when the pig ain't happy, nobody's happy. Especially me. Last week he started limping.  Dramatically.  Not walking on his front left foot.  There was no visible injury.  It's very hard to watch a pig limp and I could tell he … [Read more...]

Ten Reasons I Love My Pig Doink

In an attempt not to drown in photos, I've been trying to make sense of my iPhoto library. I've divided it in two, so now I have a library full of photos of humans and one full of photos of animals.  The animal library is twice as big as the human one.  I think that's because digital cameras weren't invented when the kids were young.  I may be kidding myself. In sifting through the thousands of … [Read more...]

Then There Was Sunshine

Even though this is one of the gloomiest starts to the new year, we live in Colorado.  There's gotta be a gorgeous day of sunshine eventually.  Thank goodness one finally showed up!  I don't know who was happier—the animals or me. We all spent the day in the barnyard, soaking up the sun.  There were chores galore for me, but being able to spend time outside with the animals was simply glorious. … [Read more...]

Wintertime Blues and A Sick Goat…Maybe

It's been a rough start to the new year around here.  Excellent Son Sawyer came down with a very nasty case of mononucleosis while here on winter break from school. Yuck! My computer keeps crashing. Ugh! I'm driving myself crazy because for some reason I can't seem to finish anything I start. Aargh! Then there's the weather—it just keeps draggin' on with clouds and cold and snow. The dreary … [Read more...]